Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Daddy was in charge of bathtime tonight and that always means something fun. He asked me to come into the bathroom and when he does that I don't dare go without my camera. This would be the 2nd hairdo of the bath. Camden is having a blast though.

Today's photo is attempt to get better at processing b/w photos. I drool over Sarah's and Brenda's photog skills. I'm absolutely miserable at the whole b/w thing and sooooo don't want to be. Please, if you have any tips please feel free to help me out.


  1. oh he is just the cutest little thing!!! I LOVE his hair here and that silly smile! too cute!!

  2. Great picture....adorable. I know how you feel about b/w, but I think you did a good job here.

  3. I love the b&w here!! wow! such a fun pic too!

  4. OMGosh that is just too cute! I love the b/w, I think that it turned out awesome! I know what you mean though, I wish I could do better on my b/w skills. Oh, now I have a challenge for next weeks photos!

  5. o my, you've been saying that he looks like his daddy, but I actually see it in this picture! except Camden is too cute. (jk k-man)
